bioMérieux launches molecular biology test for HIV

bioMérieux, a world leader in the field of in vitro diagnostics, has now introduced NucliSENS EasyQ, a novel molecular biology test for HIV. The product was unveiled at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID). NucliSENS EasyQ HIV-1 v2.0 is a test able to detect even very low viral load levels in AIDS patients, offering one of the highest degrees of sensitivity. 

The company provides one of the broadest product offers available to laboratories outside the US market for diagnosing and monitoring HIV infection. It has constantly been at the forefront of innovation in the fight against AIDS, developing one of the first screening tests and going on to bring the first automated assay, the first fourth generation screening tests and first real-time viral load test on the market.


NucliSENS HIV-1 v2.0 provides the fastest results, in less than three hours. The test can be used with both plasma samples and Dry Blood Spot (DBS) samples. bioMérieux is the only company to offer a CE approved Dry Blood Spot protocol for viral load monitoring. In this simple protocol, contrary to liquid samples, no preparation of the blood is needed and the sample is absorbed onto filter paper, eliminating the need for refrigerated transport and storage before extraction even in tropical climate. Samples can be collected at local health clinics with no need for a laboratory and skilled technicians. The DBS protocol meets the need for a standardized and validated procedure for any remote laboratory in a limited-resource setting. 


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